Oct 19, 2020 - 10:48 AM
It is not unusual for the "sponge" to dry out. Typically, rinsing it with warm water will reactivate it. Instructions on the product state "If foam hardens, rinse under warm water for a few minutes."
We also did some informal testing in the past when a customer experience something similar. Here are some notes that may be helpful!
We ordered samples and did some of my own "unscientific" testing. Both samples had dry tips when I opened them, but worked fine after I pumped the tip onto the paper a few times to "activate" the adhesive. I then left one of the samples open, without the cap. It worked again after two hours, but needed to be pumped again a few times to work. I also left it open overnight, and it was completely dry this morning. I wasn't able to get it to work with the pumping technique. But I did follow the instructions to run the sponge tip under warm water. After clearing out the water and squeezing/pumping the adhesive back into the sponge, it worked again for me. I was able to successfully seal envelopes with it. I had put the cap back on the second sample, and the sponge was dry this morning, but I was able to pump the tip onto the paper a few times and it worked. "